Singing Guide: Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don

Singing Guide: Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don, you're in luck! The unique blend of genres in their music is something that sets them apart from many other artists. The key to sounding like them is to practice their unique vocal techniques and incorporate them into your singing. In this article, we will cover some practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to help you get started.

One of the main features of Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don's music is their use of rap verses mixed with pop-style choruses. In order to replicate their sound, it's essential to learn how to mix chest voice and head voice register. You can learn more about registers and vocal break in this article on Voice Registers & Vocal Break.

Breathing is also a vital component of singing like Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don. Proper breathing techniques like active breathing and breath support can help you achieve that sharp teacup sound in the rap parts, as well as help you sustain long notes during the chorus. You can learn more about breathing techniques in this article on Breathing Basics, as well as Breath Support.

Sing certain parts with intense vibrato, mixing with some growling and twang to add in some texture and guttural feel to your singing. Check out some of the Singing Carrots video exercises to help you achieve vibrato, growling, and twang. The videos are found on the resource list above that was provided.

Labrinth's music is known for its theatricality, and he is often praised for his emotional performance. To sing like Labrinth, you need to tap into the emotion of the music. You can read more about Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking here – Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking. Learn how to scale up your emotion gradually, and master the art of portraying the feelings in the lyrics.

Last but not least, a good choice of song can make a difference. You can use the Song Search feature on Singing Carrots to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can also create your performance set that includes linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio using the Song-Book feature. This feature is especially useful if you want to nail your performance. Check out the features here on Song Search, and Song-Book.

Singing like Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don is all about finding a balance of proper technical singing and emotionally performing. To achieve that balance, practice your breathing, incorporate vocal techniques like vibrato, growling, and twang, and choose the right songs that match your vocal range. With Singing Carrots's resources and practical advice, you can get started on singing like Labrinth feat. Stefflon Don in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.